Monday, July 19, 2004

Stupid Blog Block

South Korea, in a move to "protect public morals," is trying to prevent Internet users from accessing video footage of the Kim Seon-Il beheading. To this end, it has blocked all Blogger websites from being viewed. How stupid.

I don't have a problem with them blocking the video, per se. Though I think people should be able to view it if they're really really want to, it's no secret that kids can access the stuff too if they really really want to. It's that part that makes me nervous.

Freedom of speech? Yeah great, I'm all for it. Let people put it on a "Faces of Death" tape if they want to make it public -- it doesn't need to be free, with only a "Click here only if you're 18" label on it.

What makes me think it's stupid is that their blanket policy prevents me from accessing my own blog. I don't put bad stuff on my blog -- why am I being penalized? And when will the block stop? When the current administration is out of office? At least my family can access it, and that's what it's there for.

Government censorship does do one thing: it makes people smarter. By blocking Blogger, I now have to figure out how to host my blog on a proxy server. By figuring that out, I become more technologically adept.

And by learning new stuff, I stay younger longer... :-)

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