Saturday, November 06, 2004

My camera story

Friday was interesting. I got a notice on Thursday that Customs had a box for me from my dad. He was forwarding the camera that I had ordered in late September and had sent to his address. (Don't leave your camera in a PC bang; it might not be there when you go back.)

Anyway, the notice said they would deliver it on Monday or Tuesday. Well, since I was leaving Friday night for a weekend trip to Busan (부산), I told them (through my boss at school) that I'd come up to Seoul to pick it up personally. No problem.

On Friday, I woke up early, trekked an hour up to Omokgyo station, then hiked another half an hour to the customs office. Upon arrival, I learned (to my unpleasant surprise) that the entire trip had been for naught -- they had already shipped it down to the Gunpo office.

They said they would deliver it on Monday or Tuesday.

I was ticked. If this kind of thing had happened in the U.S. or some other native English speaking country, I would have been dishing out pieces of my mind left and right. What part of "I'll pick it up personally tomorrow" (or in rough Korean, "내일, 재가거기가겠어요") didn't they understand?

However, instead of providing a spectacle for the polite workers at the post office to remember, I merely said, "Oh, OK," and left. As I made my way back to Gunpo, I couldn't help but rehash the entire incident and try to come up with some cutting, while still intelligible, diatribe to throw at them if the situation ever came up again.

When I finally got to school, having wasted three hours in a fruitless expedition, wouldn't you know it, but the box was sitting right in front of my desk, as if to say, "Hey, were you looking for me?"

A frustrating event, but I'm just glad I can have it for my trip.

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