Saturday, November 13, 2004

Peterson case

Scott Peterson was found guilty of killing his wife and unborn son. His sentencing will be in a separate phase of the trial.

Two things upset me about this case: 1.) His conviction of the second degree murder in the case of his unborn son, and 2.) The behavior of the mob outside the courtroom.

First, how can you convict a father for terminating the life of an unborn child while abortion is legal? Regardless of one's stance on abortion, you have to admit there's a double standard there.

Second ... well, read this:
Cheers broke out among the hundreds of onlookers who gathered outside the courthouse - some of them pumping their fists in celebration upon hearing the news on the radio. They cheered Laci Peterson's family and booed Scott's as they left court.

"He's a sicko. He needs to fry," Bob Johnston said outside court. Source

Sicko -- yeah. Murderer -- yes. But hey -- "don't be so eagar to deal out death and judgment." Certainly his family doesn't deserve that kind of treatment -- what would you do if your kid was on trial for murder? Are they so wrong for not abandoning him?

At least one sane person was there, and they deserve recognition:
As Scott Peterson's family was rushed away by police, someone in the crowd outside court booed his mother. Someone else shouted "She didn't kill her!" Ibid

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