Sunday, January 30, 2005

Gyeongbokgung in winter

I had occasion to play tour guide to a friend of mine who's Korean but has grew up in England. Because it snowed on Saturday, we went to Gyeongbokgung so she could get the same picture of Gyeonghoeru I posted a while ago (the one that's on the back of the 10,000 won bill).

That day, the queen's bedchamber (I forget the Korean name for it) was open to the public to walk inside. I noticed something I hadn't before -- the intricacy with which the ceiling was painted. Check this out:

If the wide shot's impressive, check out the design on the zoomed-in shot of an individual tile:

Now that's attention to detail....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woah dude, like, far out man.