Saturday, February 12, 2005

Grandpop, Day 6 - Still sick

Yesterday my grandpop was beginning to feel better, but he still wasn't up to going out. Because of his cough and continutal water intake, he hasn't gotten much sleep in the past few days.

RK came back from her trip to Vietnam in the morning, and freshened up before heading back out to spend the weekend with her friends in Seoul (as is her wont). He wanted a picture together, so here we go:

In the afternoon, I went to the post office to mail out the postcards he wanted to send, and picked up a couple boxes of tissues to replace the ones he used up. They had been my roommate's investment, so it seemed only polite.

I used the trip into town to catch up on my email and get a little "sanity-time." I think the trick to staying sane while playing host to family visitors is to have some time away for yourself. I consistently remind myself that my grandfather won't always be around, but I still found myself getting a bit short with him.

1 comment:

redMoon said...

Thx for posing stories about your pop-pop’s visiting Korea and the pics. I really enjoy it.

Your pop-pop is, in real life, younger than my late grandma. What I want to say is that you enjoy every bit of the time with him as much as you can. I think life is a pretty strange thing cuz I thought my grandma could have been with me all the time. Saying that, of cuz, she just decided to go to the other world without mentioning to me, and I could have done nothing about her decision. I’m happy for her, but still, frankly, I’m in the shock.

Anyway…. Tell pop-pop, he looks so find and handsome (tell him I’m still single….^^;;;). Maybe you got your look from him…=) (and I wish him well…. no flue or cold there, plz)…