Friday, July 11, 2008

Day 2 - Jaw jackers and battle gear

As a platoon (~60 guys) we tried some drill & ceremony marching, but were really bad. We’re still trying to get basic stuff, but for some reason, day 2 recruits simply can’t figure out how to be quiet. I mean, come on, what've you got to say that's so important?

Today we picked up our “TA-50” battle gear stuff. This includes our rucksack, canteens, body armor, utility belt paraphernalia, and helmet. It sounds pretty cool, but I don’t look forward to lugging all that junk with me on the road march.

After that, we tried to do some drill and ceremony stuff again, but we couldn’t figure out how to march right, so DS B made us do 150 overhand arm claps. I guess basic things like column left and column right remain, for now, beyond us.

Surprisingly, the commanding officer ordered that we get a granola bar and a carton of milk before going to bed. DS B thought it was the dumbest thing in the world (he phrased it in stronger terms), and I tend to agree. As much as I like milk & cookies, it does come off like some kind of summer camp babying for new soldiers.

And what made it worse was that just as my turn came, they ran out of milk. Thumbs down.

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