Life is not easy right now. Our meals run by so fast that a few times I’ve gone to lunch and thought it was dinner. And there are so many rules and customs to adjust to that it’s overwhelming. For example, hold the tray *this way* while you’re standing in line. Sidestep through the line and along the salad bar. feet must stay on the floor with heels together like you’re standing at attention. No talking. Only Powerade to drink. Must drink one glass before you start eating. No watching the television (though it’s OK to listen).
It all makes sense when you consider the purpose is to move people in and out of the Dining Facility (DFAC) as quickly as possible, but it takes some time to get used to, and that’s exactly what we always lack – time. And it makes me really nervous all the time, like I’m one second away from getting into trouble.
The Georgian summer doesn’t make things any easier. These days I sweat constantly, and though I’m slowyly getting used to that, it’s hard to ignore the gnats that fly around your ears during the times we have to stand at attention. That’s *not* fun….
In the evening, after dinner, we had a work detail. Instead of working outside, though, I got to clean the command office, where the captain, the executive officer, and the first sergeant work. That was interesting – especially the bathroom. Suffice to say that if were in our bay, it would not pass inspection. :-P
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