People could also do the two rope, 1 rope, and 3 rope climbs, but as I landed, I saw one guy fall into the net wrong. Instead of tucking, he kept his legs straight causing him to break a bone or two. After seeing that, I decided to I pass on the rope climbs.
We ate breakfast in the field, and had an MRE for lunch. Mine was #22, jambalaya with cocoa, wheat crackers, pound cake, and gum. Yum.
Later, on the way back, we got smoked because guys at front of formation couldn’t remember the “File from the right” command. The guy at the corner is from Thailand, though, and his English doesn’t really help. (Though he's the only other guy in the platoon with a master's degree). Forming up is similar problem. I don’t understand how we're supposed to think, going from mob rush to four perfect lines.
In the afternoon we had a class on chaplain services and personal hygiene (sounds silly that the Army has to teach people how to "maintain yourself," but a lot of it had to do with things like staph infections and what-not). Then dinner, and back to cleaning bay and organizing drawers.
I finally got all my letters sent out with the address here. Now we'll see when the letters arrive....
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