Saturday, July 05, 2008

Getting settled

We got to breakfast early, but not early enough -- another company beat us. Luckily, lunch and dinner went better.

People are so bored these days that a lot of punks are playing around. It's irritating, but not totally their fault. We're stuck here for a four day weekend, nothing's open, and they can't just let us go. In the morning, we had chapel, and in the afternoon, we watched movies (I think 300 was one of them).

In the barracks, I have a top bunk. The guy beneath me -- I'll call him Forman -- reminds me of the guy who plays Colossus in X-men. He's over 6-foot tall, over 200 pounds, and has less body fat than Naomi Campbell. And what's really unfair is that he's a genius, too -- he got his degree in microbiology.


As it is, the group of guys that got processed all together is divided up into two big groups of about 50 and several smaller groups based on stuff I don’t know. Most of us are pretty nondescript, but there are two that really stick out.

The first one, knowing that the Army would shave his head once he got here, had shaved his head of shoulder-length hair into a mohawk, and flipped it to one side. The drill sergeant in charge of us calls him “My Little Pony.” The other has the same last name as one of the other drill sergeants, and grew up never knowing his father. Hm…

They catch a lot of ribbing, but they take it well enough.

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