Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Army safety briefs

Every week, on Friday, the battalion commander gets all the companies together on our PT field for the "safety brief."

These kinds of things make a lot of sense when you're in a strange environment, as you can see in this guy's brief:

But for us it's pretty much the same old spiel every week. Drive defensively. Be careful boating. And if you're out there partying and you meet that special someone and decide after a few hours that -- you know -- you want to take it to the next level, use a profilactic. Sound advice, but it gets repetitive.


During this past Friday's safety brief, I meditated a bit on what might be the most dangerous thing I do on any given weekend. As I stood there, with sweat running down my back, it came to me.

The riskiest thing I do on any given weekend is to stand for an hour in the hot Texas sun with a black wool hat and two shirts on -- one short sleeve and one long sleeve -- and listen to a guy talk about how to be safe.

That's the Army.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Interesting video. All it needed was a bubble caption for that lizard with its bum sticking out of the ground: "You can't see me."