Friday, March 14, 2014

Motivation in question

The past few weeks have probably been the most difficult I've had in the Army. The two weeks of the Key Resolve exercise were bone-crushingly busy, and things haven't let up in the week-and-a-half since. There are several reasons why.
  1. There's a shortage of officers in the battalion right now, as three captains have left within the past month.
  2. While my predecessor knew what she was doing and had no extra duties, I've still got a lot to learn and have two.
  3. The boss wants to add to more my responsibilities, but does so in an ad hoc manner.
  4. While before, I could focus on work after 5:00, I have meetings four times a week that start at 5:30.
  5. Finally, it looks like I won't get the command I was expecting.
For the past year, I've been working toward "earning" a company command. From this past month's events, however, I'm growing painfully suspicious that things are not going to work out as I'd hoped.

Part of me is bummed at that prospect, and part of me is satisfied with it. With the workload being what it is right now, I'm not too eager at the moment to take a command.

Not unless things calm down a bit.

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