Monday, May 05, 2014

An offer of command (2)

This evening I got a phone call from a battalion commander I had interviewed with back in March. [Two interviews in one week] He offered me command of his headquarters company down in Daegu. Needless to say, I accepted.

Moving to Daegu wasn't really my first hope, but turning down a command offer is a big no-no in the Army. You're lucky to get There's no telling when the next one will come, especially in Korea.

In fact, according to the 19th ESC's policy letter #18-8 (dated 2 May 2014), any captain who refuses an offer of command gets put at the bottom of the order of merit list. This would effectively end any hope of ever getting a company command during their tour in Korea, at least within the division.

I'm supposed to report on the 19th, so now the issue is finishing up all the outstanding tasks in the S4 shop within the next two weeks. I guess little things like "formal orders" and "moving" will have to be figured out later.

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