Friday, May 16, 2014

Finishing up in S4

It's been no easy task, but over the past ten days I've managed to tie off all the loose ends in my shop, prepare a continuity book, move the battalion into its new building, and start the paperwork on my family's move.

I've even stayed late to do some number forensics related to other officers' changes of command and shortage orders.

That last one portends a significant culture change for the Army. Over the past decade, the Army has de-prioritized supply accountability because of the comparatively greater focus on deployment readiness.

Yet with the budget issues the military has faced over the past two years, that's no longer the case. In the future, supply accountability will again be a big thing. This is a big deal for me, because I'll be signing for about $8 million in equipment and I'll have to account every little bit of it when it's my turn to leave.

Apart from my staff taking me out for lunch, there hasn't been time for a proper send-off by the rest of the staff I've worked with over the past year, but my battalion commander has asked for me to return on May 27th for that.

On Sunday I leave for Daegu.

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