Saturday, July 12, 2014

Change of Command speech

How do you knock out your change of command speech in less than two minutes? Like this:

"Good morning everyone. First, I'd like to thank my wife and children. They're the ones who've really had to make the sacrifices for me to be here today.

"Second, I'd like to thank LTC [previous battalion commander] and COL [previous brigade commander] for selecting me for this position. I have found their confidence in me to be reassuring.

"I'd also like to thank LTC [current battalion commander] and COL [current brigade commander]. It might not have been their idea, but it seems they've agreed to go along with it for at least a little while.

"Finally, I'd like to thank CPT [outgoing company commander]. You've been patient with me as I've gotten up to speed, you let me stay at your place for the first two weeks I was here, and you're leaving me with a company that's on track for success.

"As I begin my command, I'm reminded of a passage from Thomas Ricks' book The Generals.
'The lives of soldiers are more important than the careers of officers, and winning wars is more important than both.'
"I will always bear this principal in mind during my time as company commander for -- not of -- the HHC, 498th CSSB. All policies and procedures remain in place. 같이 갑시다. [Call sign] signing on the net."

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