Sunday, July 27, 2014

Moving to Daegu

Last week I cleared Camp Humphreys. On Friday we completed the final steps -- moving out of our apartment, clearing housing, and "finaling out."

On Thursday the government furniture people came and took back all the stuff we'd borrowed. (Because of the constant turnover in Korea, it's cheaper for the U.S government to own furniture and lend it out rather than have people shipping their own stuff back and forth overseas.)

On Friday the movers came to box up all out household goods. They started at 8:00 and finished at about 4:00. Surprisingly, by 5:00 two real estate agents had already brought people to look at the place. By 6:00 we were on the road to Daegu; after a stop for dinner we arrived at 9:30.

In the morning, since the Camp Henry Housing Office said there's no on-post housing available (yay!), we started looking at apartments.

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