Friday, April 02, 2021

人身事故 -- "a human accident"

One of my coworkers was late today because the train they use to commute had a "human accident" (人身事故, jinshin jiko). That's the euphemism Japan uses for a suicide by train (電車で自殺, densha de jisatsu). Five Facts About Suicide in Japan

From what I understand, April 1st is a very stressful time of the year. People move, the new school year starts, and it's a new fiscal year too. Though sad, a "human accident" is no surprise.

While its public nature can (like plane crashes) lead a person to believe suicide by train is common in Japan, "jinshin jiko" is actually comparatively rare. Overdoses, hangings, and even jumping off of buildings and deliberate drowning are more common methods.

We just don't see or hear about them.

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