Wednesday, June 02, 2021

"Suicide Market"

Camp Zama hosts a number of military units, but does not have enough housing for all the families that work there. As a result, a lot of families live on the nearby Sagami Housing Area (SHA).

To get from one to the other, the shortest route takes you along a narrow road. On this street, there happens to be a grocery store that -- despite the traffic and the lack of any real sidewalk -- opens directly onto the street. Among the U.S. military community (which has a hard time with actual names), it is known as Suicide Market. Here's what it looks like: As you can see, it's pretty dangerous. Cars slow waaaay down in this area, because God forbid you should actually hit someone with your car.

Accidents are really big deals here because of the military police have to get involved, they have to coordinate with local police, and ... well, it's just a major hassle, even if no one's seriously imjured. I'm happy I don't live on SHA, so I don't have to deal with that too often.

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