Sunday, July 18, 2021

Love it or leave it: gas prices

"Our Country is Free, Beautiful and Very Successful. If you hate our Country, or if you are not happy here, you can leave!" Trump tweeted back in 2019. [Source]

When COVID hit, and peope traveled less due to shutdowns, the price of gas fell sharply. However, with the economy having picked back up and people not dying by the tens of thousands, gas prices are picking back up. some are not happy because gas prices have returned to their 2019 levels.

I too like spending less on gas. That's why I drive a small car that has a small tank and gets good gas mileage.

If McGeachin wants to pay less when she fills her tank, that's wonderful. She's free to buy a smaller vehicle if she wants, too.

Regardless of her decision, she'll get no sympathy from me regardless.

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