Friday, June 18, 2021

My first Juneteenth federal holiday

My first Juneteenth federal holiday did not go flawlessly. By virtue of the time zone difference, we only found out about the president signing the bill at around noon.
As it happened, though, I had arranged to take the morning off anyway, so it didn't really affect me. Apart from having to re-sign my timesheet, I was able to realize the full benefit.

As for the holiday itself, I think it's a good thing. Many have commented "I'd never heard of it before," to which I reply, "Me neither, because those kinds of things weren't taught in my high school."

I'm also happy that it happened within Opal Lee's lifetime, so she could see her efforts come to fruition. [Source]

We can't erase history, or change it, but we can use the occasion to learn about it. We talk about war dead on Memorial Day. We honor veterans on Veterans Day. Now we can talk about what Juneteenth is and why it's important.

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