Monday, April 05, 2021

The first female mayor

On April 4th, 1887, Susanna Salter became the first female mayor in the United States. She was active in the Women's Christian Temperance Union, something that -- only ironically -- led to her election. [Source]
"A number of local men, however, not only disagreed with prohibition but also with the idea of women having any say in political affairs. Hoping to discredit the WCTU, the men drew up a slate of candidates identical to the one presented by the WCTU except for having Susanna Slater's name entered as a candidate for mayor. The men figured that the only people who would vote for Slater would be the WCTU members, and they thought that the WCTU would be so humiliated that it would disband. Salter was chosen because she was the only WCTU member who lived within the city limits."
"Republicans said they would teach the jokesters a lesson by voting for her. Instead of the 20 or so votes the jokesters expected Salter to get, she ended up winning by a two-thirds majority."

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