Thursday, March 10, 2005

Otis everywhere

One of the new Kindergarten students is named Otis. This is strange for me because in all my life I've only ever met one Otis, and that's my grandfather.

It's also a little weird because the only person I ever heard that called him that was my grandmother. So now, whenever I call on Otis in class, I think of my grandmother calling to my grandfather. "Otis" she'd call out "Can you come here and help me with this jar?" or something like that.

I'm also reminded of my grandfather when I ride elevators and escalators. Apparently, Otis is the name of a company that makes them. It seems there's no escaping my grandpop's imprint on Korea.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May I remind you that the name Otis just happens to be my middle name. However "Granny" never yelled out "Robert Otis".
Well maybe when I was a kid.
