Friday, April 04, 2014

Cusp of command

My last post on the subject of command from February 17th explained that I'd lost my grip on the guaranteed command I'd had for the past five months.

Since then, I've learned a few things about how that happened. Essentially, I had misunderstood what my new BC meant by "having to look at the OML [Order of Merit List]." The boss had meant that -- depending on how the commanding general worked things -- another captain might have higher priority, and there would be no choice about it.

I didn't understand that at the time, so -- reasoning that if was going to have to compete for that job I might as well compete for other -- I asked for permission to interview outside the brigade. I didn't realize it at the time, but that request sent the message that I was no longer interested in the HHC.

As a result, the boss told the brigade commander that the position had to be opened up for interview. Although I later cleared things up, the damage was already done.

Despite my martial protocol faux pas, on Tuesday March 25th I did my interview for the HHC. It went well, but I think there are too many environmental factors for me to still take the HHC. Specifically, our battalion move will be taking place at the same time as the required change of command inventories, and with our battalion's officer shortage it would make sense to bring in someone else from outside.

Never fear, though, because on Friday the 28th I traveled down to Daegu to interview for a couple other positions. I'll find out this coming Monday how things will turn out, but for now, here are my preferences:
  1. Support Detachment, Yongsan. There's talk of setting up a support detachment in Yongsan to cover maintenance needs there after the 595th MC closes down in September. It's a small unit, which is good, but there are still a lot of structural questions as to how that would work out.
  2. HHC, Daegu. This would require us to move, but I'd be in a good place to take on a higher level staff position following command time. Plus, it's a less busy environment, which I imagine would allow me to spend more time with my family.
  3. HHC, Camp Humphreys. This is the command I was slated for. It's good because I wouldn't have to move, but it's lost its luster as I've seen how crazy busy commands are under my current BC.
  4. 348th QM, Camp Humphreys. This line company would open up later this year. It would be good if I'm not selected for anything else, but it wouldn't allow for any other broadening assignment after command.
Of course, it's also possible that I've inadvertently blacklisted myself, gaming myself out of a job, but I don't think that's the case. I just hope for good news on Monday.

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