Saturday, April 05, 2014

Review: All You Need is Kill

This short novel by Japanese author Hiroshi Sakurazaka (桜坂洋) is the basis for the upcoming Hollywood movie Edge of Tomorrow. Having been fascinated by the trailer, I bought the book, despite the fact I have very little time for recreational reading this days.

As the Amazon reviews explain, the main character gets stuck in a time loop, dying in battle every day until he can get it right. In that sense, it's like Groundhog Day, but with PTSD-inducing action.

Now that I understand the story and how it ends, I look forward to seeing how Hollywood translates the original. Will it have a happy ending, or something similar to Tom Cruise's last sci-fi flick, Oblivion? Will coffee have the same significance in the movie as in the book?

And will the motorcycle riding scene with the now 51 year-old Tom Cruise be as cool as the one in Top Gun when he was only 24?

I can't wait to find out.

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