Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Rejected for HHC command

Today my BC called me in and told me I wouldn't be getting the HHC commander position. This was the company I'd been chosen for by the previous battalion commander -- the one who'd gotten himself relieved in November.

The biggest reason is that I didn't really have a vision on where I wanted to take the company. I can understand that. In my interview, I didn't seem to understand the questions about what my command priorities are or how I would "move the company forward."

To me, that's a silly way of thinking, which I suppose just proves the point that I wouldn't have been a good fit for the position. I don't really see company commanders as "leaders," per se; I see them as managers.

As I see it, the Army already sets so many various little requirements that there's not really much room for leadership. To me, commanders are little more than system administrators. You do what you need to do to get the job done and then you all go home.

Apart from being capable in your job, doing it efficiently, and building a system that will endure for the next person, I don't see much point in establishing command priorities.

"Why do we maintain our vehicles?" Because there's a regulation that requires us to. "Why do we enforce inventory discipline?" Because we're stewards of the taxpayer's money. It's not very inspirational, I admit, but if you don't do what's required, you'll be the one with paycheck deductions for lost property.

Part of me is bummed I didn't get selected, but another part of me is relieved, for two reasons. First, it would have been a lot of stress for both me and my family.

Second, I still haven't heard from the other battalion I interviewed with, and that has the position I'd really like. We'll see how that goes.

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