Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Legend of Melusina

The river that runs through the lower half of the city is the Alzette. Along its back is this statue, and a sign that tells the legend of Melusia.
One day, Count Siegfried was walking on the bank of the Alzette when he met a princess more beautiful that the day. This gorgeous creature was the nymph of the Alzette, named Melusina, and charmed the valley. Siegried fell headlong in love with her and in no time had offerend his heart and crown to the young woman, who accepted.

Melusina, however, made one condition, which Siegried had to primise to observe or lose her forever. On Saturdays, the count was to leav eMelusina along in her room and neither see her nor attempt to find out what she was doing. Siegfried agreed and the couple married. For years, they lived happily and had many children. One Saturday, however, Siegried walk past Melusina's room and, hearing a voice, looked through the keyhole.

Imagine his horror when he saw her splashing about in a large pool, her body ending in a fish tail. Now that her true nature had been revealed, Melusina uttered a piercing cry and was swallowed up by the earth. Since hen, the nymph of the Alzette has been sealed in a rock known as the Bock and only reappears once every seven years.

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